My caps locks be cray cray today. Haha no. Well I got all excited, and I would probably yell this at you irl. Not many people have been yelled at by me, my voice gets all scratchy when i do, ha. I went shopping for clothes today, and I bet people from my school with not even see a quarter of what I bought. My fashion is no for their eyes, I mean like who am I trying to impress?
So I grew up with video games, and the two I became MADLY in love with were Resident Evil and Mortal Kombat. And my favorite Resident Evil Characters were Leon and Ada. And they were both in the newest movies, with other characters from the game but LEON.
And I give props the the guy who played as him, so handsome. I just loved how the Movie brought the games together.
Twosome Place is a European-style dessert café that offers ‘small indulgence’ through a wide assortment of premium beverages, including deep roasted coffee, and desserts such as mousse, tiramisu, tarts, shortcakes, cupcakes, muffins, yogurt ice cream, macaroon and crème brulee.
1TYM member & YG Family’s main producer Teddy collaborates with the brand, Twosome Place for his own cafe: “Twosome+Studio”.
It was said that the producer Teddy, was directly involved with the interior and exterior designs of the cafe" (source)
So you know support, my favorite leader, if you're ever in Korea, *cough* I have nothing to say except, I'm leaving tomorrow again, -_- but i'll be with my whole family, including dad. He doesn't even like going places >.< But still then, I'll be back home, and I won't be updating that much, but more shopping! I wanted to get an ipod, but why waste money? Did i mention over here in Lancaster is a hipster central? A lot of those hipster blogs that follow me would love to go to the mall over here, it has a lot of stuff I see on their blogs, ha. I want a instagram !!!! CL AND YG have one -sobs- I need to follow them D: But i don't like taking pictures >_< so yeah, UGH
p.s. I love my fandom, Imma go Seungri some towels.
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