Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Try to, but I just want it to stop.

All good things come to an end.
We are just friends, its just platonic relationship, or so I thought. But things have become hard, awkward. We've obtain these feels toward each other. Like when we see each other with the opposite, jealously comes to the mind. We have to walk on egg shell around each other, its hard to maintain. If I want to talk about how much I fancy other person, I can no longer tell you my feelings. We get asked a lot of times if we're dating each other, an item. I'm tired of this, whatever we have. I want to tell you my true feelings. How I truly feel about you. Maybe you'll be the only one to understand this post, but I like you. It's not a small crush, but it's eating me alive, trying to keep this away from you. I don't know how long I can keep this from you. But I will, as long as I can stay with you, like this, our little platonic relationship.

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