Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Try, but we about to get mad ratchet in here.

please don't mine my title, but i'm pissed, angry, frustrated sexually. So, my partner for my drama class is just no. We're working on a comedy skit and I'm pretty serious about this, but she wants to do the whole thing with just her idea. No. But i let her thinking 'okay the last skits she did were okay,' but this girl does not know comedy, she knows exaggeration. TOO MUCH OF IT. So I asked her to explain some of her ideas for me like in the actions it just says 'Jump' WTF does that mean? so I not even talk in and just jump, I know that is the attitude side of me, but she expected to know everything she means in her 3rd grade drawing and chick scratch writing. And she apparently got made of me asking two questions and told me just to make up the whole idea by myself. OH did i forget she doesn't even look me in the eyes when I'm talking to her she looks away!! and talks like a mouse >.< I talk loud in the class because its drama people are getting into character and no one is listening to anyone, she looks me in the eyes and shushes me NO NO NO. I started to talk louder.Then she tells me she's not ready to go on stage, but I made her go on stage b/c we only have 1 day to learn this skit. And she shushes me again, and rubs her head, then said "Loud people annoy me." 

Then a new kid came inside and I wished that I waited, b/c no one wants to be my partner, b/c no one knows me -.-

I want to preform first, only for the fact I won't have to see this person anymore, but she won't even rehears with me on stage b/c there is too many people. I don't know who the hell she things she is, but she needs to get things straight, she ain't no queen.

If anything I'M the queen.

(sorry for grammar or spelling, I'm to angry to look over any of that stuff)

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