Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I'm sorry

I look like that bitch, ugh I never met her until a few day ago, but now I understand what people mean, did I mention I look like her? ugh I just got better, emotionally and now this ugh. I know I shouldn't do this, but you read this blog and you know I'm a cold hearted bitch that will do anything to get what I want, and I want her out of his life, and anyone who makes her happy, example: her boyfriend. I have feel no guilt, so if this doesn't end up the way I planned I can always pretend that I have no idea what is going on. Its happened before, and oh look I'm calling my old friend in band...
Guess who has plans next weekend. I know her boyfriend, he will get any girl he can get. And I know that maybe this is going to far for a guy, but it isn't even about that anymore, I did something like this last weekend and I had to turn down a guy, but know he is all on my sack. I know that this is bad, I know I will regret it later, because this will most likely not even get me a step closer to who I really want, but  I  try to ruin her, and make sure her life is more horrible than mine, but I'll stop only if in the end he sides with her.

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